White turtleneck
White Russell Athletic sweatpants
Blue welder's gloves
Royal Blue Rit Fabric Dye
Golden Yellow Rit Fabric Dye
Blue Upholstery Thread
White Upholstery Thread
Wormy-colored All-purpose Thread
White Velcro Strips
Blue Acrylic Paint
Cheap black turtleneck from Wal-Mart
10"x7" Piece of Foam
Muscle Chest Shirt
Green Gardening Wire
Blue Duckcloth
Blue 50/50 Fabric
White 50/50 Fabric
Clip-on Sunglasses
White Deck Shoes
White 1 1/4" and 1 1/2" Elastic Bands
Cardboard (for eyes and gun holster)
J.B. Weld Epoxy
White Socks
Safety Pins